We fitted the adaptation block data for all individuals with an exponential equation of the form
t) =
G0 + Δ
Ge−t/τ, and calculated the time constants
τ and the asymptotic gains
G0 from the fits. The exponential fit data for all the participants during both error conditions are shown in
Figures 5 and
6 and the
Table (along with the goodness-of-fit
R2 values). Adaptation data from participants 5 and 7 during the consistent error condition, and from participants 9 and 10 during the variable error condition (4 of 20 observations; see the
Table), yielded a time constant value that was not statistically significant in spite of their data being fitted adequately (regression
F statistic
P < 0.05) with the exponential equation (see
Figs. 5,
6). Consequently, these four participants were excluded from the analysis of both time constants and asymptotic gains. The
R2 values did not differ significantly between the two error conditions (consistent: 0.36 ± 0.15, variable: 0.29 ± 0.1;
t(9) = 1.7, Holm-Bonferroni corrected
P = 0.2). The averaged time constants of adaptation from these fits were also somewhat similar in the two error conditions (consistent: 23 ± 11 trials, variable: 16 ± 10 trials;
t(5) = 0.5, Holm-Bonferroni corrected
P = 0.6;
Fig. 7); however, this result should be interpreted with caution, as the power of the statistical test performed was reduced owing to the exclusion of 4 out of 20 observations. To validate the results obtained from the percentage change in saccadic gain measure, we compared the asymptotic gains G
0 obtained from the fits between the two error conditions (with data from participants 5, 7, 9, and 10 excluded). We found that on average participants reached a higher asymptotic gain value during the variable error condition (0.89 ± 0.02) than the consistent error condition (0.85 ± 0.02;
t(5) = −3.5, Holm-Bonferroni corrected
P = 0.048). It is noteworthy that unlike the time constant analysis, the asymptotic gain analysis was not impacted by the reduction in statistical power even after the exclusion of 4 out of 20 observations. A higher asymptotic gain during the variable error condition reflects a reduced change in saccadic gain during adaptation, which corroborates our results from the percentage change in saccadic gain measure.