Erratum in: “Involvement of RhoA/Rho-Associated Kinase Signal Transduction Pathway in Dexamethasone-Induced Alterations in Aqueous Outflow” by Tomokazu Fujimoto, Toshihiro Inoue, Takanori Kameda, Nanako Kasaoka, Miyuki Inoue-Mochita, Naoko Tsuboi, and Hidenobu Tanihara (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:7097–7108) doi:
In Table 2, the values of “DEX vs. Y-27632+DEX” were incorrectly shown to be the same as those of “Control vs. DEX.” The corrected table appears below.
Citation: Fujimoto T, Inoue T, Kameda T, Kasaoka N, Inoue-Mochita M, Tsuboi N, Tanihara H. Erratum in: Involvement of RhoA/Rho-associated kinase signal transduction pathway in dexamethasone-induced alterations in aqueous outflow.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:7097–7108. DOI: