As described previously, the true rate of progression
R is generally unknown and so the distribution of
R is estimated by examining the distribution of
r, the empirical estimate of
R determined by linear regression of a series of visual fields.
5 We examined the relationship between these two distributions using Monte-Carlo simulations. The true distribution of
R was set to be the same as the reference distribution. We then simulated longitudinal visual field data for a large number (200,000) of simulated patients using a method described previously
5: in brief, true progression rates were selected with a frequency as described by the true distribution of
R, and MD values generated at each timepoint by applying Gaussian jitter of a particular SD to the MD that was expected under noise-free conditions. This SD was fixed for each set of 200,000 simulated patients. Rates of progression
r for these data were then determined by linear regression, and these rates then placed in 0.1-dB/y wide histogram bins. The resulting distribution was fitted with a modified hyperbolic secant for binned rates of −10.0 to +10.0 dB/y, using an iterative least squares method. We examined the influence of the number of visual fields (3–10 visual fields, at yearly intervals) and of MD variability (low variability [SD = 0.5 dB], moderate [1.0 dB], and high [2.0 dB], consistent with previous definitions