Sholl plots of example RGCs obtained at weekly intervals after ONC illustrate simultaneous reduction of dendritic branching complexity in both proximal and distal portions of the dendritic arbor. This general pattern was present within each of the analyzed RGC groups from vehicle-treated mice (
Fig. 9; left panels). In addition, there was a progressive shift of the Sholl maxima toward smaller radii. Brimonidine treatment did not alter this general pattern (
Fig. 9, right panels). However, it slowed the rate at which this process advanced. For statistical analysis, the maximum Sholl score of each RGC at each time point after ONC was expressed as a percent of the baseline RGC score for that RGC and the distributions of these maximum Sholl score changes were plotted as stack bar graphs (
Fig. 10). Because the maximum Sholl score changes were not normally distributed (Anderson-Darling test,
P > 0.05), differences between the Sholl score changes from vehicle-treated mice and brimonidine-treated mice were evaluated at each time point using the Mann-Whitney
U test. Brimonidine significantly protected against maximum Sholl value decline in all RGCs considered together at all time points (
Fig. 10A
, P = 0.0063, 0.00013, 0.0075, and 0.029 at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after ONC, respectively). When the RGC groups were evaluated independently, brimonidine treatment significantly delayed the decline of maximum Sholl values at weeks 2, 3, and 4 after ONC in Group 2 RGCs. In addition, brimonidine significantly delayed maximum Sholl decline and at 3 weeks after ONC in Group 1 RGCs, and at 2 weeks after ONC in Group 5 RGCs. In contrast, brimonidine treatment did not significantly alter the course of dendrite branching simplification in Group 3 RGCs or in Group 6 RGCs (
Figs. 10D, F;
P > 0.15 at all time points). Brimonidine-mediated protection of dendrite complexity in Group 1 and Group 2 RGCs is consistent with its protection against both dendrite loss and dendrite retraction in these RGC Groups (
Figs. 5,
7). Likewise, brimonidine-mediated protection of dendrite complexity in Group 5 RGCs is consistent with its protection against dendrite retraction. Although brimonidine protected Group 6 RGCs against dendrite loss and dendrite retraction, its effect on dendrite complexity in this RGC group was insignificant.