Although retinal necrosis is one of the hallmarks of HCMV retinitis, apoptotic cells have been observed during microscopic examination of biopsied eyes from HCMV retinitis patients.
13–15 Our laboratory has used a mouse model in which injection of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) into the supraciliary space of immunosuppressed mice causes retinal infection with histopathologic features that mimic those observed in ocular specimens obtained from human patients.
16–21 Although MCMV infects specific types of retinal neurons, such as horizontal cells and bipolar cells at an early stage of infection,
21 other types of retinal neuronal cells, such as rod and cone photoreceptors, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells, are rarely infected with MCMV.
21 Virus-infected cells are protected from premature death by several MCMV encoded proteins, which inhibit apoptosis and programmed necrosis (or necroptosis), allowing the virus to complete its replication program and produce abundant progeny.
22–24 Paradoxically, uninfected bystander cells located throughout the neural retina undergo cell death, leading to marked disruption of retinal architecture and eventual blindness.
18 Increasing evidence suggests that apoptosis of uninfected bystander neuronal cells appears to be an important component of the pathogenesis of CMV retinitis.
13–15,18–21,25–28 Multiple apoptosis inducers, including TNF-α,
25–28 Fas ligand,
15 and iNOS,
28 have been detected in HCMV- and MCMV-infected retinal tissue or retinal cells. Caspase 3–dependent and –independent apoptosis has been demonstrated during MCMV retinitis.
25,28 Since Bcl-2, an important inhibitor of the mitochondrial pathway, is downregulated and tBid, a proapoptotic factor in the mitochondrial pathway, is upregulated during MCMV retinitis,
25 we hypothesized that mitochondrial damage has a significant role in the apoptosis of uninfected retinal cells. Bax-induced mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) is considered to be one of the key control switches of apoptosis.
29 Therefore, the purpose of this study was to test this hypothesis by comparing MCMV-induced apoptosis in Bax
−/− and Bax
+/+ mice.