The testing procedure for amblyopic and normal control subjects was identical. All testing was done with spectacles if they were prescribed. On the day of sVEP testing, monocular Snellen visual acuity was obtained from each eye, both with and without a 2.0 log unit neutral density filter (NDF) in front of the viewing eye. Snellen acuity was converted to logMAR units for analysis. Student's correlated
t-test was used for comparisons between the two eyes of the same subject (e.g., amblyopic versus normal fellow eye) or between two stimulus conditions (grating/vernier, unfiltered/filtered) for the same eye. Student's uncorrelated
t-tests were used for comparison of acuities between diagnostic groups. All
P values for acuity include Bonferroni correction. Following acuity testing, subjects were seated comfortably on a chair 150 cm from a high-resolution monochrome cathode ray tube monitor (Philips MGD403; Royal Philips Electronics N.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands), which displayed either grating or vernier stimuli (see below). The stimulus display subtended an angle of 12° by 9° at a viewing distance of 150 cm and was controlled by PowerDiva v.2.90 software (A.M. Norcia; Smith Kettlewell Eye Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA). Gold cup electrodes (10-mm; Grass Technologies, West Warwick, RI, USA) were placed on the scalp at three active electrode sites, O1, O2, and Oz, following the International 10–20 system. A reference electrode was placed at the vertex (Cz), and a ground electrode was placed over the midforehead (Fz). Electrode sites were prepped with a mild abrasive and were attached using water-soluble conductive paste. Electrodes were secured with a soft elastic headband. An impedance of <5 to 10 K was maintained. Visual evoked potential responses were acquired by Grass amplifiers (model 12, Neurodata Acquisition System; Grass Technologies) for each channel, amplified at either 20 K or 50 K depending upon signal strength, and processed by a low-pass filter of 100 Hz and a high-pass filter of 1 Hz to eliminate noise. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signal processing and threshold estimation were performed according to the procedure outlined by Norcia and associates.
24,37,38 Signals were acquired at a data acquisition rate of 601.08 Hz and partitioned into 10 sequential epochs, designated “bins,” corresponding to sequential stimulus presentations at different spatial frequencies or offset sizes. A recursive, least-squares algorithm generated the amplitude and phase of the response at each spatial frequency or offset size as a complex-valued Fourier component of the scalp EEG signal. The Fourier coefficients were averaged across trials to obtain an averaged amplitude and phase corresponding to each stimulus condition (i.e., each spatial frequency or offset size/NDF or no NDF). The averaged response for each stimulus condition was compared for statistical significance to baseline noise using the T
2-circ statistic.
39,40 Amplitude and phase of noise for each condition were estimated by averaging Fourier components of the response in frequency bins immediately above and below the stimulus fundamental frequency. Response thresholds for each condition were estimated by linear regression of amplitudes and extrapolation to zero response and amplitude. The following criteria were used to select bins for regression: (1) Response probability was better than
P ≤ 0.16; (2) phase responses in consecutive bins were stable or declining, with the difference in phase between consecutive bins between 80° and −100°; (3) responses in at least one of any pair of consecutive bins was significant at
P ≤ 0.077; and (4) for any bin included in the regression range, the amplitude of adjacent bins could not be less than 30% of the amplitude of the included bin.