Microneedles designed to deliver 1.1 μg bevacizumab were inserted at the site of silk suture placement in the cornea and left in place for 1 min to allow dissolution of the coating. For the one-microneedle bolus delivery group (Mn-1 bolus), a single microneedle (i.e., 1.1 μg bevacizumab) was given as a bolus dose 4 days after suture placement. For the four-microneedle bolus delivery group (Mn-4 bolus), four microneedles (i.e., 4.4 μg of bevacizumab) were given as a bolus dose 4 days after suture placement. For the one microneedle—three doses delivery group (Mn-1 × 3), a single microneedle (i.e., 1.1 μg of bevacizumab) was given as at 4, 6, and 8 days after suture placement (i.e., for a total dose of 3.3 μg bevacizumab). For the microneedle placebo group (Mn-placebo), four microneedles coated with formulation containing no bevacizumab was given as a bolus dose 4 days after suture placement. Finally, for the hollow microneedle bolus delivery group (Mn-hollow), a hollow microneedle was used to inject 2 μL of 25 mg/mL bevacizumab (i.e., Avastin, dose of 50 μg bevacizumab) intrastromally at the site of silk suture placement as a bolus dose 4 days after suture placement. After all of the insertion procedures, the eyelid was left closed for 5 minutes, after which all the tear fluid was wiped off the eye to collect any residual bevacizumab that was not able to penetrate into the cornea using a small piece of a Kimwipe towel. The used towels and microneedles were collected and incubated in HBSS to collect residual bevacizumab.