To evaluate agreement among Goldmann, Tonopen and Diaton transpalpebral tonometers.
Patients were divided in two groups, control and keratoconus and intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by in both eyes in a randomly order with the three tonometers. Agreement evaluation was performed by interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) among the three different tonometers on each group and Blant Altman plot with regression of agreement.
The ICC was satisfactory for the three measures with the Diaton transpalpebral tonometer (0.88 - CI: 0.80 a 0.92), but weak among the three different tonometers (0.60 - CI: 0.35 a 0.76). Regression analysis of the differences show a trend of the discordance to increase on the extreme values of the transpalpebral tonometer comparing to the Goldmann tonometer. For the lowest intraocular pressures the transpalpebral tonometer trend to measures the pressure higher and, for the highest pressures, the transpalpebral tonometer trends to measure lower, independently of the group, however the lower intraocular pressures were of the keratoconus group.
The measures of Diaton transpalpebral tonometer shows satisfactory reproducibility. In patients with keratoconus, Diaton IOP measures were higher than the Goldmann tonometer.
Keywords: 568 intraocular pressure