Use of cost-effective educational tool, Glaucoma Ball, for self-estimation of intraocular pressure (IOP)
Glaucoma Ball(™ patent pending*) is a set of 40 A, 20 A, 10 A durometer rubber balls, each representing 40, 20,10 mmHg, respectively. The ball measures 2 cm in diameter. Controls (C) and Patients (PT) had routine slit lamp applanation tonometry (Ta) for IOP by ophthalmologist (GW). After initial measured IOP (I-IOP), PTs were given instructions on self-palpation of globe through closed eyelids, then palpate the 3 Glaucoma Balls. The patient estimated IOP is PTE-IOP. Then, final measured IOP by ophthalmologist (GW) (F-IOP) by Ta was taken. Inclusion criteria: Normal volunteers, ophthalmology patients. Exclusion criteria: peripheral neuropathy. The Stata statistical software program was used. Informed consent was obtained.
A total of 22 patients (n=11) and controls (n=11) were enrolled. IOP range: 12-20 mmHg. See Table. PTE-IOP (overestimates = 16, equal= 4, underestimates = 2) were significantly different than I-IOP (t-test, p = 0.03) and F-IOP (t-test, p = 0.01). Using Fisher’s Exact test, C v PT based on ability to choose between the correct and incorrect glaucoma ball: p=0.008.
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the US. Using Glaucoma Ball(™), patients may be able to self-monitor IOP as part of their glaucoma care. We are hopeful that this educational tool will improve patient compliance and health outcomes for glaucoma treatment. *uspto file no. 61913241/2013
Keywords: 568 intraocular pressure •
462 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications •
579 learning