To obtain choroidal thickness maps over extended retinal regions.
Ten eyes including normal eyes and eyes with different retinal pathologies were imaged using a custom prototype swept source OCT system. The system supported acquisition of 12mmx9mmx3mm cube OCT scans. A novel algorithm was developed to segment the anterior a posterior boundaries of the choroid over the full OCT datasets.
Pointwise thickness maps of the choroid were obtained over the scan area using the automated algorithm. Using the associated OCT fundus images, choroidal thickness information can be correlated to en face retinal landmarks.
Measurements of choroidal thickness at the fovea have been used to assess and summarize the appearance of the choroid in eyes with different retinal diseases. However choroidal thickness can vary significantly across the retina and detailed quantitative descriptions over extended regions have the potential to improve our understanding of various retinal pathologies.
Keywords: 452 choroid •
549 image processing •
552 imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound)