To evaluate the influence of ranibizumab on the multifocal electroretinography (mfERG), full-field electroretinography (ffERG) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in diabetic eyes (n=16) with diabetic macular edema.
In 16 eyes (15 diabetic subjects), (age 63±12 years, duration 17±12 years) with no or background diabetic retinopathy (DR) and macular edema, and not previously treated, the change in visual acuity (ETDRS letters), mfERG, ffERG and OCT was analyzed, before and one month after three monthly injections with ranibizumab.
From baseline mean BCVA improved from 53±6 ETDRS letters to 61±6 ETDRS letters (p=0.000) one month after the last injection. The mean central retinal thickness reduced, from 404±117 to 286±54 µ (p=0.000). There were no changes in neither mfERG amplitudes or implicit time in any of the five rings measured, or in the blue light amplitudes. There was a trend towards shorter implicit time in 30Hz flicker, after treatment; 34.3±3.5 vs. 33.5±2.8 ms, (p=0.07).
Though the central retinal thickness was reduced after three injections with ranibizumab and the subjects gained a mean of 8 ETDRS letters, there was no change in amplitude or implicit time in mfERG. A trend towards shorter implicit time in 30 Hz flicker was seen.
Keywords: 499 diabetic retinopathy •
561 injection •
507 electrophysiology: clinical