To describe and validate a new approach to corneal endothelial dysfunction using a surgical technique used in DSAEK procedure as basis for a rabbit experimental model
Six New Zealand rabbits were used at this experiment. Descemetorhexis was performed in all rabbits after intramuscular anesthesia with xylazin/ketamin. Corneal thickness was measured with a pachymeter on living animals and with an anterior chamber OCT one month after lesion. Photographies recorded the 1 month result of corneal lesion.
Corneal thickness before procedure ranged from 384 to 430 um(n=6). After one month of corneal injury the corneal thickness ranged from 1621 to 2020 um. Photographic records showed pronounced corneal edema and hazeness at the Descemetorhexis area and no visible recovery was observed until the endpoint of the study.
The method studied provides a reliable and stable experimental model for endothelial corneal dysfunction. Provides a gross edema but still led to addtional procedures at the time of the mechanical lesion. Even after 1 month the lesion and edema was still active, leading to a new technique with a worst microenviroment to cell recovery even on rabbits than cryoprobe lesion with detaching Descemet's Membrane.
Keywords: 481 cornea: endothelium •
580 lesion study