Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate P2Y2 and P2Y6 purinergic receptor implication in a glaucoma model.
Methods: Experiments were performed in C57/BL and DBA/2J mice. All the protocols herein comply with the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmology and Vision Research and also are in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive (86/609/EEC). IOP measurements were performed with a Tonolab (TioLat, Helsinki, Finland). Animals were instilled with Ap4A a P2Y2 agonist. mRNA expression of both purinergic receptors were analyzed with qPCR. Also, we have monitored the changes in the ciliary processes using immunohistochemical techniques.
Results: IOP measurements were performed over 12 months in DBA/2J and C57/BL mice, and there were significant differences when comparing 6 months old DBA/2J (without developing the pathology) and 12 months (with the pathology). Regarding IOP, it was increased 113% in the DBA. Also when comparing between 12 months old C57/BL and 12 months DBA/2J, IOP was 42.10% higher in the glaucomatous animal compared to the wild type. 12 months old DBA/2J mice instilled with Ap4A showed a non-significant lowering of IOP. Changes were also found in P2Y2 and P2Y6 mRNA expression. There was a difference between young and old glaucomatous mice, the expression in both receptors being increased 3.4-fold for P2Y2 and 3-fold for P2Y6. Apart from these findings we also found that when we instilled Ap4A the expressions of mRNA were reduced in glaucomatous mice 2-fold for P2Y2 and 3-fold for P2Y6.
Conclusions: These experiments suggest the participation of P2Y2 and P2Y6 purinergic receptors in the physiopathology of glaucoma.
Keywords: 568 intraocular pressure •
457 ciliary processes •
674 receptors