To study the change in refraction in patients who received a Toric posterior chamber intraocular lens during cataract surgery.
This was a retrospective chart review of patients undergoing cataract surgery using a Toric lens implant performed by residents at the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan. The pre- and postoperative refractions were recorded. Statistical comparisons were made using the paired t-Test.
The mean preoperative cylinder was 2.02 ± 2.07 D (range, 1.25-5.75 D) and the postoperative mean cylinder improved significantly to 0.82 D ± 0.55 (range, 0.00-2.00). Hence, an improvement in astigmatism was shown after cataract surgery with Toric lens implantation (p=0.005).
Cataract surgery using a Toric intraocular lens implant corrects for high degrees of regular corneal astigmatism when performed by residents. It is recommended to use Toric lenses in patients with corneal astigmatism undergoing cataract extraction.
Keywords: 445 cataract •
676 refraction •
428 astigmatism