To evaluate determinants of anterior chamber angle width in Caucasian, African, Hispanic, and Chinese subjects.
Anterior segment optical coherence tomography images captured before and after LPI were analyzed to determine trabecular-iris space area (TISA750); angle opening distance (AOD750); anterior chamber area (ACA); anterior chamber volume (ACV); anterior chamber width (ACW); lens vault (LV); iris thickness (IT750); and iris area (IArea). Comparisons of ACA, ACV, ACW, LV, IT750, and IArea were made between ethnic groups for subjects with only narrow angles, only open angles, and both narrow and open angles. Multivariate linear regression models were used to investigate the association of TISA750 and AOD750 with ACA, ACV, ACW, LV, IT750 and IArea.
Data from 157 Caucasian, 73 African, 62 Hispanic, and 124 Chinese subjects were analyzed. Ethnic differences among narrow angle subjects were observed in ACA, ACV, ACW, LV, and IT750, while ethnic differences among open angle subjects were observed in ACV, ACW, LV, IT750, and IArea (all P < 0.05). Merging both narrow angle and open angle subjects together showed ethnic differences in ACA, ACV, ACW, LV, IT750, and IArea (all P < 0.05). In all four ethnic groups, ACA, ACV, ACW, LV, IT750 and IArea were significant predictors of variance in both TISA750 and AOD750 (all P < 0.05). ACA, ACV, and ACW were the strongest determinants of both TISA750 and AOD750 across all ethnicities.
Despite ethnic differences in ACA, ACV, ACW, LV, IT750 and IArea, these six anterior segment biometric parameters feature as significant determinants of anterior chamber angle width in all four ethnic groups.