Severe ocular surface inflammation can be lead to different diseases and can cause severe corneal involvement
5 cases of ocular surface inflammation with severe corneal ulcers resistant to conventional treatment , all treated with à new matrix therapy agent (cacicol ) 1 drop a day every other day for 4 weeks , with biomicroscopic records at D0 , D3, D7, D 15 and D30.
Patients were aged between 18 to 66 years old, ocular surface inflammation was due to GVHD, severe Sjögren's Syndrome, Atopic keratoconjuctivitis, ocular pymphygoide and Stevens Johnson syndrome, all ulcers were chronic and rebels to different treatment ,at D7 we observed a decrease on VAs pain scale at D15 in all cases a total epitheliazitation of the ulcers.
CACICOL is a new ophthalmic device, derived from RGTA based matrix therapy (large biopolymers engineered to replace heparan sulfates) , wich is a revolution in treatment of chronic ulcers, in our cases it has a double effect antalgic and regenerating.
Keywords: 482 cornea: epithelium