To investigate whether immune aging are involved in the lacrimal glands of cGVHD .
We obtained the specimens from cGVHD model mice, untreated aged and young mice, and examined by histopathology using fluoresecent imaging and transmissin electron microscopy, and immunoblotting. Molecules associated with T cell activation, senescenct phenotype, oxidative stress, and other aging, especially p16 were examined to assess the samples. Characterization of immune cells expressing cellular senescent markers were also assessed by immunofluorescent double staining.
Immune blotting revealed cGVHD lacrimal glands exhibited high expression of oxidative stress markers similar to those in aging mice, but not in young mice. Double staining of immune cells and senescent associated molecules showed T cells interacted with inflammatory cells expressing senescent markers, which were confirmed as CD68+ macrophages. In addition, macrophages expressed MHC class II and CD40, suggesting that macrophages act as antigen presenting cells in the animal model of lacrimal gland cGVHD.
These results suggest that senescent macrophages might contribute to the development of immune mediated dry eye disease.
Keywords: 413 aging •
576 lacrimal gland •
555 immunomodulation/immunoregulation