The AREDS2-HOME study prospectively followed intermediate AMD patients with the goal of identifying new CNV as early as possible. The purpose of this presentation is to describe the fluorescein angiographic (FA) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) characteristics of CNV detected during the study.
Masked reading center analysis of FA and OCT images was performed in all participants with CNV events diagnosed by April-2-2-13 during the AREDS2-HOME study.
In the AREDS-2Home study, 67 CNV events were confirmed by the reading center by FA and / or OCT. The median VA loss from baseline for all patients with CNV was 7 letters. Of the 67 CNV lesions identified, 8 were confirmed on FA only, 25 on OCT only and 34 on both OCT and FA. Of those CNV lesions seen on FA, the mean (SD) CNV area was 1.16 (1.18) disk areas. Of those CNV lesions seen on OCT, the mean (SD) central retinal thickness was 319 (86) microns whereas mean thickness was 336 (93) microns for those CNV lesions identified on both FA and OCT.
The unique design of the AREDS2-HOME study allowed the reading center to analyze a cohort of participants with very early CNV events. The eyes with CNV had minimal vision loss, small lesion size and relatively small increases in retinal thickness as compared to known historical data. In an era of growing need for early detection which allows optimal outcomes following treatment, early CNV characteristics identified in this study will help in the management of patients at risk of developing CNV due to macular degeneration.
Keywords: 412 age-related macular degeneration •
453 choroid: neovascularization •
550 imaging/image analysis: clinical