Identify the most common agents of infectious keratitis
Eyes were selected for the clinical diagnosis of infectious keratitis. Forst is getting a swab sample of the bed and margin of the lesion, with tetracaine as a topical anesthesia for giemsa and Wright.Subsequently made blod agar, chocolate agar and Saboraud agar also antibiogram was performed for each sample. For this procedure was used as a system of collection and transportation of microbiological samples, the means of BBL Culture Swab brand.In cases in which there was no bacterial growth was performed chain reaction of polimerasa
74 eyes were incluyed. The most common bacterial agent was Staphylococcus epidermidis,Fusarium sp show the highest incidence of fungal organisms, the virus usually found was herpes simplex (VHS1), and acanthamoeba sp was the most common parasite
Polymyxin, gentamicin, tobramycin are the antibiotics that showed 100% resistance in the antibiogram.Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime, Neomycin, Moxifloxacin, Gatifloxacin and vancomycin are antibiotics that showed 100% sensitivity in the antibiogram
Keywords: 573 keratitis •
422 antibiotics/antifungals/antiparasitics •
479 cornea: clinical science