Large clinical trials (VIEW 1&2) have demonstrated the effectiveness of Aflibercept in the management of Wet AMD. The new two monthly dosing regimen after three initial monthly doses was comparable to monthly Ranibizumab. There is no significant real life data available to see if the results obtained in the clinical trials match those from a clinical practice in United Kingdom. This analysis evaluated the visual acuity results of Aflibercept in the management of treatment naïve Wet AMD patients in clinical practice.
All consecutive treatment naïve patients who received Aflibercept for the management of Wet AMD at Newcastle Eye Centre (NEC) and Sunderland Eye Infirmary (SEI), between the periods of Mar 2013-Oct 2013 were prospectively recruited. VIEW study protocol of three monthly doses followed by treatment every other month was followed.
317 eyes of 296 patients were included in this analysis, of which 148 were women. Mean baseline visual acuity of the whole group was 55.25 letters. 1, 2, 4 and 6 month VA data was available from 257, 188, 83 and 25 eyes respectively. The mean visual acuity at 1, 2, 4 and 6 months was 57.65, 59.34, 61.16 and 58.08 letters respectively. The baseline visual acuity specifically in those with follow up duration of 1,2,4 and 6 months was 55.27, 55.22, 55.67 and 52.88 respectively. Mean interval between treatments during loading phase was 4.30 weeks and 7.45 weeks afterwards. Results will be updated at the time of presentation.
Aflibercept with its new treatment regimen resulted in 5.2 letter gain in the treatment naïve Wet AMD patients at Month 6. The clinical results are comparable to the clinical trial data.
Keywords: 412 age-related macular degeneration •
748 vascular endothelial growth factor •
462 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications