Inflmmation in Cornea is induced by various stimuli including infection, chemical burn and graft rejection. It is a common clinical problem in cornea. This study was investigated to inhibit corneal inflammation by Sulfasalazine-Hyaluronic acid compound (Sufa-Ha). The sulfasalazine is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and it is reported as a NF-kappa B inhibitor.
Induction of corneal inflammation was stimulated by alkali burning in cornea. 2mm disc with 1N NaOH was applied in central cornea of SD rat (male, 8weeks) for 10 sec. Sulfasalazine-Hyaluronic acid compound (Sufa-Ha) was treated 2 times per day after burning, topically. Phalloidine-rhodamine for corneal structure, F4/80 and LSP-1 (leukocyte-specific protein 1) antibody for inflammatory cells were used in this study.
The vessels were observed in injured cornea by Phalloidine-rhodamine staining. And the F4/80 positive cells were observed in this cornea. However, new vessels were inhibited by Sulfasalzine-Hyaluronic acid compound (Sufa-Ha). And also, F4/80 and LSP-1 positive cells were decreased in Sufa-Ha treated retina.
The Sulfasalzine-Hyaluronic acid compound inhibited inflammation by chemical burning in cornea. These results suggested that Sulfa-Ha is a new therapeutic drug for corneal inflammation.
Keywords: 557 inflammation