To report novel TIMP3 mutations, and to characterize the ocular phenotype of Sorsby fundus dystrophy (SFD), including a novel early sign for the disease and to report the effect of anti-VEGF therapy.
Twenty-one probands of three unrelated families with SFD were investigated using wide-field imaging, confocal laser scanning ophthalmoscopy with autofluorescence imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), indocyanine green–angiography (ICG-A), and molecular diagnostic for causative mutations.
Molecular genetic analysis revealed two novel (p.Tyr174Cys, p.Tyr177Cys) and one previously described (p.Tyr182Cys) missense mutations in TIMP3. In families with p.Tyr177Cys and p.Tyr182Cys, metamorphopsia and/or decrease in visual acuity were the initial symptoms occurring at approximately the sixth decade of life. The p.Tyr174Cys mutation carriers had first symptoms at approximately the third decade with dark adaptation problems and visual field defects. The ocular phenotype included drusen-like deposits, rapidly progressive geographic atrophy, choroidal neovascularization (CNV), and polypoidal choroidal neovascularization (PCV). Late disease manifestations were uniform with widespread chorioretinal atrophy, fibrosis, and choroidal thinning. Three asymptomatic young carriers of a TIMP3 mutation with otherwise normal findings on funduscopy and retinal imaging showed a characteristically reduced fluorescence on late-phase ICG-A images. This phenotypic sign was more pronounced and widespread in later disease stages. Patients with CNV or PCV showed a favorable response to therapy with intravitreally injected bevacizumab.
This study expands the spectrum of mutations in the TIMP3 gene and associated phenotypic findings. Imaging using late-phase ICG-A may be useful for early identification of individuals at risk for developing SFD. Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy if initiated timely is effective in SFD patients with CNV.
Sorsby fundus dystrophy (SFD) is a rare retinal dystrophy with variable age of onset and autosomal-dominant inheritance that was first described by Sorsby in 1949.
1 The disease is caused by mutations in the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (
TIMP3) gene.
2 In the eye, TIMP3 is mainly expressed and secreted by the RPE
3 and is deposited in Bruch's membrane.
4 Functions of TIMP3 encompass regulation of turnover of the extracellular matrix (ECM) by inhibiting proteolytic enzymes,
5 antiangiogenic properties by binding to the VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2),
6 and regulation of inflammation.
7 It has been suggested that mutant TIMP3 protein accumulates within Bruch's membrane, thereby leading to a disturbed homeostasis in ECM remodeling, which might interfere with physiologic functions of Bruch's membrane as well as of the adjacent choroid and RPE.
The first visual symptoms in patients with SFD most commonly occur during the fourth or fifth decade of life, typically with sudden and progressive loss of vision due to the development of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or with a delayed dark adaptation.
9–12 Typical findings on fundus examination are multiple yellowish drusen-like deposits at the posterior pole, early-onset CNV, and chorioretinal atrophy. Late disease stages are characterized by widespread atrophy and fibrotic lesions at the posterior pole.
Herein we report the clinical findings in two families with SFD with previously undescribed mutations in the TIMP3 gene as well as in several members of a SFD family previously shown to carry a p.Tyr182Cys TIMP3 mutation.
This prospective case series was performed between October 2013 and May 2014 at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Bonn. The study was in adherence with the declaration of Helsinki. Institutional review board approval (Ethics Committee, Medical Faculty, University of Bonn) and patients' informed consent were obtained. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination including best corrected visual acuity (VA) and funduscopy with dilated pupils. All asymptomatic family members who underwent predictive genetic testing and/or predictive imaging underwent genetic counseling before testing. Pedigrees were designed using a dedicated software program (CeGaT Pedigree Chart Designer; CeGaT, Tübingen, Germany).
Patients underwent imaging with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (Spectralis HRA-OCT; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) with a dedicated imaging protocol. Images of 55° fundus autofluorescence (AF) and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance were acquired with central fixation and the high-resolution mode (1536 × 1536 pixels). Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) volume scans covering a 25 × 30° field with 61 scans and at least nine images averaged, as well as vertical and horizontal line scans with 100 images averaged with central fixation were acquired. In addition, enhanced depth imaging (EDI) OCT horizontal and vertical line scans with 100 images averaged with central fixation were recorded. If required, the position to the foveal center was controlled manually. All OCT images were recorded in the high-speed mode with 768 A-scans per b-scan. Choroidal thickness was measured subfoveally based on horizontal EDI-OCT line scans. Measurement was performed manually with the Heidelberg Eye Explorer Software (HEYEX; Heidelberg Engineering). Subjects with refractive error greater than ± 3 diopters (D) (spherical equivalent) as well as subjects with any pretreatment potentially affecting choroidal thickness (e.g., photodynamic therapy) were excluded from this analysis. A total of 64 healthy probands served as controls for choroidal thickness measures. Wide-field fundus images were acquired using an Optos 200Tx imaging system (Optos PLC, Dunfermline, United Kingdom). The Zeiss Visucam (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) was used to perform 45° fundus color imaging. In patient II.4 from family 1, only parts of the imaging protocol were available.
Progression rate of geographic atrophy in patient II.1 of family 1 was calculated from measurements on 30° fundus AF images by using the Region Finder software (Heidelberg Engineering).
18 In cases of difficult delineation of the atrophy border, other imaging modalities including IR or SD-OCT were consulted.
Intensive phenotyping of young asymptomatic
TIMP3 mutation carriers showed no fundus changes on noninvasive fundus examination, including funduscopy, SD-OCT, and fundus AF, consistent with previous reports.
10,25 Herein, we describe reduced late-phase fluorescence on ICG-A as a novel early sign for SFD, which was observed up to approximately 20 years before the age at which first symptoms usually occurred in other affected family members. Similarities with observations in patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE),
20,34 a disease with a predominant pathology of Bruch's membrane, suggest that reduced late-phase fluorescence on ICG-A could be a common sign in patients with pathological changes of Bruch's membrane. The reduced ICG fluorescence might be due to decreased staining or permeability of Bruch's membrane and/or subclinical damage of retinal pigment epithelium cells that normally actively take up ICG dye.
35,36 In later disease stages, reduced ICG fluorescence is more pronounced and widespread.
Because SFD has a high penetrance later in life,
2 predictive genetic testing is a means to distinguish those who will be affected from those who may be reassured that they will not develop the disease. Similar information may derive from late-phase ICG imaging many years before manifestation of any other signs or symptoms. Such predictive imaging may have specific implications on patient counseling similar to predictive genetic testing, and thus goes beyond the standard patient education on the risks of the invasive diagnostic imaging procedure. Among others, this may include information on the current lack of causative treatments, the potential psychological burden of being at high risk to loose vision, the risk of transmitting the disease to children, and potential consequences on insurability. However, further studies, including long-term prospective investigations, are needed to investigate the significance of late-phase ICG-A for early diagnosis of SFD.
The late manifestation of SFD was consistent in all three families; that is, a widespread chorioretinal atrophy extending beyond the vascular arcades with variable degree of fibrosis at the posterior pole, which is in agreement with former reports.
1,10,11 However, the age of patients with a late phenotype differed between families: carriers of the p.Tyr174Cys mutation were at least 20 years younger than those with a p.Tyr182Cys and p.Tyr177Cys mutation. Accordingly, the earliest symptoms occurred approximately 20 years earlier in the family with the p.Tyr174Cys mutation.
Correlations between certain types of
TIMP3 mutations and disease onset have previously been reported (
Fig. 10B). Because the molecular pathomechanisms underlying SFD are largely unknown, the reasons for the different onset of disease manifestations and severity remain unclear. Mutation-specific factors, genetic interactions, and/or environmental factors might contribute to such differences. There is a strong similarity between the clinical phenotypes of AMD and SFD, suggesting that
TIMP3 risk haplotypes that confer susceptibility to AMD might also contribute to phenotypic variability in SFD.
Although the end point of SFD appears relatively uniform, visual symptoms and morphological manifestation during the course of the disease may vary considerably between and within families.
23 Dark adaptation may be compromised early or only after widespread photoreceptor damage in later disease stages, and there is a variable degree of drusen-like deposits. Choroidal neovascularization may develop at any time point in the disease course; that is, before the occurrence of any other funduscopically visible changes (patient VI.5, family 2),
19,40,48,49 in presence of drusen-like deposits (patients III.4 and I.8, family 1), or adjacent to areas of chorioretinal atrophy.
Vision loss in SFD also may result from geographic atrophy (GA) in the absence of CNV activity (
Fig. 8).
10,11 The observed growth rate of GA (7 mm
2/y) was faster compared with the median growth rate reported in AMD (1.52
50–1.79 mm
51; fastest progressing subtype: 3.02 mm
50) or Stargardt disease (0.45,
52 0.94 [±0.87]
53–1.58 mm
54). Notably, AF is not consistently increased preceding growth of atrophy in SFD, suggesting that lipofuscin accumulation may not play a role in GA progression in SFD. Rather, SFD-related pathology might result in compromised RPE cell physiology and, eventually, cell death.
Consistent with reports on PXE,
55 late SFD disease stages were also associated with reduced choroidal thickness, suggesting similar pathogenetic mechanisms affecting the choroid–Bruch's membrane complex.
The phenotypic similarity of SFD with AMD includes drusen-like deposits, CNV, and GA. However, diagnostic differentiation between the two diseases is particularly important because SFD patients are at high risk of also loosing substantial amounts of peripheral visual function, which affects counseling and prognostication. Dominant inheritance with functional deficits beyond those expected in AMD may be helpful in distinguishing SFD. Furthermore, late disease stages may be misinterpreted as late-stage RP or cone-rod dystrophies. Thus, for differentiation, examination of additional family members and a detailed (family) history may be helpful and molecular genetic diagnostics can confirm a suspected diagnosis of SFD. In one of the families reported herein, multigene panel diagnostics indicated SFD and specified the clinical diagnosis.
Supported by the ProRetina Deutschland, Aachen, Germany, and the BONFOR research program of the University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. The Department of Ophthalmology, University of Bonn, receives research support from Heidelberg Engineering. No other conflicting relationships were reported. The sponsor or funding organization had no role in the design or conduct of this research. No sponsor or funding agency had any involvement in the design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data; manuscript writing; and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. None of the authors has a proprietary interest.
Disclosure: M. Gliem, None; P.L. Müller, None; E. Mangold, None; F.G. Holz, Heidelberg Engineering (C); H.J. Bolz, Bioscientia (E); H. Stöhr, None; B.H.F. Weber, None; P. Charbel Issa, None