In this paper we develop a mathematical model to study the flow of aqueous humor in the anterior chamber with a pIOL. The main mechanisms that generate flow of the aqueous humor are (1) flow due to aqueous production and drainage, (2) flow due to miosis of the pupil, (3) buoyancy-driven flow due to temperature differences between the anterior and the posterior regions of the anterior chamber, and (4) motion induced by saccades of the eye.
The aqueous humor is treated as an incompressible Newtonian viscous fluid governed by the momentum (Navier-Stokes) and continuity equations, which read
u denotes the velocity vector,
p is pressure,
t time,
ρ fluid density,
ν the fluid kinematic viscosity, and
g the gravitational acceleration, with magnitude
g = |
g|. When we study the flow induced by rotations of the eye, the above equations are solved on a moving domain, and therefore have to be suitably modified (see the OpenFOAM website for further details: [in the public domain]).
In the case of buoyancy-driven flow, the above equations are coupled to the energy equation
T is temperature,
k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, and
cp is the specific heat at constant pressure. In
Equation 2 we have neglected the heat production due to mechanical energy dissipation, which is negligible in the present context. We adopt the Boussinesq approximation (see, for instance, Drazin and Reid
7), which is known to be very accurate for liquids undergoing small variations in temperature. In this approximation we neglect variations in the fluid density except in the gravitational forcing term, and we neglect variations in the kinematic viscosity
ν. In this term we assume that the aqueous humor density
ρ has a small linear dependency on temperature and is independent of pressure, leading to
ρ0 is the fluid density at a reference temperature
T0, and
α is the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the fluid.
We solve
Equations 1 and
2 numerically using the open source software OpenFOAM,
8 which is based on the finite volume method. All meshes are generated using the snappyHexMesh tool by OpenFOAM, which produces unstructured meshes consisting of tetragonal and hexahedral volumes. We adopt meshes consisting on average of 1 to 2 million volumes, except when analyzing the lens including the haptics for which the mesh has 2.7 million volumes, and run the code in parallel on a 32 processor computer (32 processor work station from the E4 Company, Scandiano, Italy). For all simulations, careful mesh-independence tests have been carried out. In the
Table, we report the parameter values used for the simulations.
One parameter that we will discuss in the course of the paper is the WSS, an excessive value of which can be a possible cause of cell detachment from the cornea and iris. We compute this quantity with the wallShearStress utility by OpenFOAM. We note that this tool computes the magnitude of the viscous traction at the wall, including its normal component. However, it can be shown that, if the fluid is incompressible, the normal component of the viscous traction at a rigid wall is zero. Thus, leaving aside numerical errors, the magnitude of the viscous traction is indeed equal to the WSS in all cases considered in the present work.