There is a lack of a standardized methodology or a physiologically realistic in vitro model to investigate silicone oil (SO) emulsification. In this study, we replicated the SO–aqueous interface within a microfluidic chip to study the formation of SO emulsion droplets in the eye cavity.
A chip made of poly(methylmethacrylate) was used to represent a cross-section of the posterior eye chamber. A retinal ganglion cell line was coated on the inner surface of the chamber to mimic the surface property of the retina. Silicone oil of different viscosities were tested. The SO–aqueous interface was created inside the chip, which, in turn, was affixed to a stepper-motor-driven platform and subjected to simulated saccadic eye movement for four days. Optical microscopy was used to quantify the count and size of SO emulsified droplets.
Among SO of different viscosities, SO 5 centistokes (cSt) emulsifies readily, and a high number of droplets formed inside the chip. Silicone oil 100 cSt led to fewer droplets than 5 cSt, but the droplet count was still significantly higher than other SO of higher viscosities. There were no significant differences in the number of droplets among SO with viscosities of 500, 1000, and 5000 cSt. In all SOs tested, the number of droplets increased, whereas their size decreased with longer duration of simulated saccades.
The study platform allows quantification of the number and size of emulsified SO droplets in situ. More importantly, this platform demonstrates the potential of microtechnology for constructing a more physiologically realistic in vitro eye model. Eye-on-a-chip technology presents exciting opportunities to study emulsification and potentially other phenomena in the human eye.
Silicone oil (SO) tamponade is commonly used for the repair of complicated retinal detachment,
1 proliferative vitreoretinopathy,
2 ocular trauma,
3 and giant retinal tears.
4 It was first introduced in vitreoretinal surgery in 1962
5 and has since been widely used in combination with pars plana vitrectomy.
Silicone oil emulsification is a significant complication that can affect the structures in both the anterior and the posterior segments.
7 Its occurrence is primarily due to the shear stress applied to the SO–aqueous interface in the eye induced by eye movements.
8 In the past decades, research has focused on reducing in vivo SO emulsification by modifying the chemical structure or the physical properties of SO.
9,10 Various kinds of SO with different densities and viscosities are currently available on the market. These new SOs include high-molecular-weight additives that claim to make the SOs easier to inject but more resistant to emulsification.
11 These SOs deserve thorough evaluation and comparison with existing SOs. There is, however, a lack of gold standard for comparison, because there is no widely accepted methodology for testing the propensity for SO to emulsify and for quantifying the droplets once they are formed.
Existing methods for testing emulsification rely on in vitro models that have limitations. Silicone oil tamponade inside a patient's eye consists of three phases in contact with one another, namely SO–retina, retina–aqueous, and SO–aqueous.
12 Up to now, simulation of the retina has been crude, relying simply on albumin coating of PMMA to render the surface more hydrophilic.
13,14 Different forms of mechanical agitation including vortex mixing,
15 sonication,
16 and homogenization
17 have been used to provide the energy input to induce emulsification. In the eye, however, such vigorous forces (or very high speeds) are inconceivable and, as such, are not a good mimic of the physiological conditions that give rise to emulsification. Lastly, quantification of emulsification inside the eye is probably very unreliable. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy can only detect large emulsified droplets.
18 Our group has recently shown that most droplets removed from patients' eyes are approximately 1 μm in diameter, well below the size that could be detected by the slit-lamp.
19 Counting and sizing of droplets involved collecting washings from patients during surgical procedures of silicone oil removal. Such attempts at ex vivo quantification are prone to errors due to droplets adhering to any vessel (or syringe) used to collect the washing and to any dilution effect from using infuscate to wash out the SO from the eye.
Recently, microscaled engineering technologies were applied to create the in vitro cell culture microplatforms that go beyond current cell culture models. These technologies provided unprecedented opportunities to recapitulate tissue–tissue interfaces, spatiotemporal chemical gradients, and dynamic mechanical microenvironments of living organs. The resultant platforms are often known as “organs-on-a-chip”
20; examples include lung,
21 heart,
22 and kidney chips.
23 To date, relatively little work has been done on eye-on-a-chip. There is a cornea-on-a-chip that aims to provide a potential alternative to the standard transepithelial permeability assay (which normally uses live rabbits in testing corneal integrity).
24 To the best of our knowledge, the features of the posterior segment of the eye have not been previously modeled. Experiments concerning the vitreous cavity must rely on animal studies that are inherently costly in time and money. There may also be ethical considerations in using live animals, especially when the results may or may not be directly applicable to humans. There is, therefore, a compelling case for a good model that can screen tamponade and other agents before testing them in animal or humans.
In this study, we present an eye-cavity-on-a-chip platform that uses microengineered devices subjected to simulated eye movement to mimic both the mechanical and physiological microenvironments of SO tamponade. Mechanically, we mimicked saccadic eye movement. Physiologically, we used ganglion cells to line the cavity to recreate oil–aqueous–retina interactions. The whole chip is transparent, allowing quantification of droplets in situ, using optical microscopy.
Silicone oil with five different viscosities (5, 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 centistokes [cSt]) were used in this study. Silicone oil 5, 1000, and 5000 cSt (Alamedics GmbH, Dornstadt, Germany) were of medical grade, whereas SO 100 and 500 cSt (Aladdin, Shanghai, China) were of commercial grade.
The authors thank Alamedics GmbH for the kind donation of the samples of SO 5, 1000, and 5000 cSt.
Supported by the Early Career Scheme (HKU 707712P) and General Research Fund (HKU 719813E and 17304514) from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong; General Program (21476189/B060201) and Young Scholar's Program (NSFC51206138/E0605) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China; and the Seed Funding Program for Basic Research (201211159090, 201311159105) and Applied Research (201309160035) from the University of Hong Kong.
Disclosure: Y.K. Chan, None; K.H.S. Sy, None; C.Y. Wong, None; P.K. Man, None; D. Wong, None; H.C. Shum, None