To describe the incidence and clinical characteristics of epiretinal membrane (ERM) developing after posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), in a patient population presenting to a tertiary eye care centre.
We identified subjects that presented with acute symptoms of PVD to the ophthalmology clinics at Stanford university. Optical coherence tomography(OCT) was performed to confirm the presence of PVD. Subjects with pre-existing ERM and other ocular conditions which may cause secondary ERM (eg: retinal vein occlusion, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy, trauma) were excluded. Subjects were followed up for at least 2 years for the development of ERM on repeat OCT.
157 subjects were included over a 1 year period. The mean age of subjects presenting with PVD was 65.2 (+/-11.0) years. 7 eyes (4.5%) developed ERM within the followup period. Epiretinal membrane was diagnosed on OCT on average 289 days (+/-235) after PVD. The incidence of retinal tears after PVD was similar in the group that developed ERM (14%) and the group that did not develop ERM (12%) (p=0.856). All cases with tears had laser retinopexy performed. Mean visual acuity was worse in the ERM group (20/38) compared with the No ERM group (20/26) (p=0.01). 43% of ERM cases had visual acuity worse than 20/40.
ERM is diagnosed an average of 9 months after PVD and results in worse VA than those without ERM. Retinal tears occurring after the PVD was not a risk factor for developing ERM.