Although intravitreal injection (IVT) with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the mainstay of treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD), there is a lack of knowledge regarding medical practices pertaining to wAMD in France. Therefore we have conducted a survey in 2013 administered to ophthalmologist. The wAMD treatment protocols is still a debate and the aim of this survey that has been conducted with the same methods used in 2013 is to evaluate the change in medical practice in 2014 compared to that of 2013.
Kantar Health (subsidiary of TNS Sofres) is carrying a quantitative survey among 150 ophthalmologists (90 general ophthalmologists and 60 retina specialists) in December 2014. A 46 question quantitative internet survey has been developed by a committee of experts. These questions evaluate i) diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up parameters, ii) logistical organization and access to care for wAMD patients, iii) current treatment protocols. For questions specific to treatment protocols, physicians are filling out a 12 months calendar for efficacy check-ups and for injection schedules.
The data of the 2013 survey, that was administered to 163 ophthalmologists (63% general ophthalmologists and 37% retina specialists), revealed that there were discrepancies between academic protocols definition and routine clinical practices. A third of patients were injected after the 5th and within the 10 days after diagnosis. This delay considered as too long is a consequence of patient transportation issues and IVT room availability. Although the practice of using 3 loading doses (1 IVT per month for 3 months) is well established, treatment practices and strategies after the loading phase are inconsistent. Compared with these data, the data of the 2014 survey will show if the management of wAMD (diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up), the logistical organization and treatment protocols have changed from 2013 through 2014.
The comparison of the results between the survey conducted in 2013 and 2014 will provide key information about the change in wAMD medical practice in France. 2014 results are expected in February 2015.