To study the presence and pattern of conjunctival autofluorescence in patients with pterygium and the underlying cytological changes by impression cytology .
75 patients with pterygium and 75 age and sex matched controls were recruited. History, routine clinical examination and relevant investigations were done. Parameters noted were grading of pterygium, presence and pattern of conjunctival autofluorescence. Impression cytology of the nasal conjunctiva was done both in cases and controls. The same process was repeated after 6 months. Progression of the pterygium was assessed clinically and also from the photographs with the help of Image J software.
Conjunctival autofluorescence was present in 51 % of cases with pterygium. The predominant pattern was autofluorescence at the leading edge (65.9%). Autofluorescence was detected in 83.3% cases of grade 3 pterygia, 64.7% cases of grade 2 pterygia and 28.9% of grade 1 pterygia ( p value <0.0005). By impression cytology, conjunctival epithelial cells were found in 60% of cases. Squamous metaplasia was significantly more frequently found in grade 3 pterygia (45%) compared to grade 2 (11.8%) and absent in grade 1 pterygia (p value< 0.0005).
The presence and pattern of conjunctival autofluorescence was related to both the grade and impression cytology changes especially squamous metaplasia.