To evaluate the ability to image vitreoretinal pathology through the Boston Keratoprosthesis using the Optos P200Tx ultra-widefield (UWF) scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO).
A retrospective chart review was conducted of patients who underwent Boston type I keratoprosthesis implantation. Charts were reviewed for UWF imaging conducted of vitreoretinal complications which developed after KPro implantation. The ultra-widefield images were examined to evaluate for the visibility of the vitreoretinal complications.
In the 6 cases with vitreoretinal complications, all vitreoretinal pathology found on clinical examination was detectable using the Optos system. The ultra-widefield imaging detected the following vitreoretinal pathologies in KPro eyes: retinal hemorrhage, epiretinal membrane, retinal detachment, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, choroidal folds, and choroidal detachment. In all eyes evaluated, sufficient macular detail and resolution out to 200-degrees of the fundus were achieved for diagnosis of vitreoretinal conditions.
Ultra-widefield imaging provides a high-resolution view of the posterior pole and periphery despite the limitations of imaging through the Boston type I keratoprosthesis. Detection and documentation of vitreoretinal complications in the setting of a permanent keratoprosthesis may be enhanced by the use of UWF imaging.