To describe the complications associated in cases of uveitis and scleritis of patients who are trated at the department of uveitis at the Hospital de Clínicas Jose de San Martin. University of Buenos Aires
A 650 medical records of patients data base was performed, from people that had been served between January 2006 and September 2014. Data collected was: medical record number, name and last name, date of birth, diagnosis, progression of the illness, laterality, antaomic location, aspect, and complications. <br />
From the 650 patients, 59 didn't had neither uveitis nor scleritis. From the 591 patients left, 322 didn't show complications in them medical record, whereas the other 269 did.<br /> Cataracts was the most common complication we found in 99 cases, followed by: synechiae/pupilar seclusion (54), glaucoma (47), macular edema (32), retinal detachtment (22), epirretinal membrane (20), iris atrophy (14), hypotony (12), calcic kerathopathy (9), choroidal thickening/ptisis bulbi (7), pigment epithelium atrophy and choroidal neovascular membrane (4), iridis rubeosis(3), choroidal detachtment (2) and iridodyalisis and hemovitreus in 1 case.<br /> Patients with cataracts, synechiae/pupilar seclusion, glaucoma, retinal detachtment, iris atrophy, hipotony, thickening/ptisis bulbi, epithelium atrophy/retinochoroidal atrophy iridodyalisis and choroidal detachtment as complication had vogt koyanagui harada (VKH) disease assosiated most frequently; then, those with macular edema were most frequently associated with pars planitis, those with epirretinal membrane with toxoplasmosis, those with calcic keratopathy with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, patients with choroidal neovascular membrane with multifocal choroiditis and those with rubeosis were associated with unknown causes.<br />
The most common complication found in all cases was cataracts, and the disease most frequently associated with any complication was VKH.