It has been described that amniotic membrane (AM), inhibits inflammation and is co-adyuvant in herpetic stromal keratitis. Receptors such as TLR3, RIG-1 and MDA5 have been implicated on viral pathogenesis. They are capable of inducing inflammation as well as IFN mediated responses. Inflammation response is preferentially mediated by NFκB nuclear translocation, meanwhile type I IFNs are induced by IRFs nuclear translocation. The main objective of this work was to determine the effect of AM on IRF3 and IRF7 nuclear translocation on human limbal myofibroblasts (HLM).
Myofibroblasts were isolated from human corneoscleral rims (HLM). Cells were used in passes 4-6. HLM were stimulated with poly I:C in the presence or absence of AM, and nuclear translocations of IRF3 and IRF7 were determined by means of immunofluorescence.
Both IRF3 and IRF7 transcription factors were constitutively expressed on non stimalated-HLM. Poly I:C stimulus clearly translocated IRF7 to the nucleus; IRF7 nuclear translocation was time dependent. By the other hand, poly I:C stimulation did not exert any effect on the IRF3 cellular localization. Interestingly, AM exposure increased IRF7 nuclear translocation when HLM were poly I:C stimulated. However, IRF3 remained with no significant change when HLM were poly I:C stimulated in the presence of AM.
We have recently reported that AM is capable to inhibit NFκB nuclear translocation of HLM stimulated with poly I:C (Dominguez-Lopez A, 2014). Taken together all these results can explain in part the anti-inflammatory and the antiviral properties of amniotic membraneCONACYT:<br /> <br /> Financial Suppprt: SALUD 160286; CIENCIA BASICA 167438; DGAPA-PAPIIT IA203514; CVU: 519572.