To evaluated the characteristics of exodeviated patients form accomodative esotropia and hyperopia.
Chart review of patients from Jan 1st 1997 to DEC 31st 2013. Patients developed exotropia from accommodative esotropia and hyperopia. Patient whom received surgery for strabismus were excluded.
13 patient was recognized. Initially patient was referred at mean 4.1years old. Cycloplegic refraction mean +5.58 Diopter (D) at initial. 10 Patients(76.9%) had accommodative esotropia with mean 24.75 Prism Diopter (PD) at near gaze. 7 patient (53.8%) had bilateral amblyopia with average visual acuity of 0.3 and spherical equivalent of +5.74D. 6 patients (46.15%) had monocular amblyopia with visual acuity of 0.25 at amblyopic eye and 0.55 at dominant eye. Spherical equivalent of amblyopic eye was +5.93D and +4.79D in dominant eye. Exodeviation was first appeared at average 9.2 years of age. Spherical equivalent was +4.50D in bilateral amblyopic patients. In patients with monocular amblyopia spherical equivalent was +3.60D in amblyopic eye and +2.17D in dominant eye. Exodeviation was average 13.1PD but ranged from small exotropia to 16 PD exotropia. Patient with residual hyperopia(83.8%), exotropia was successfully decreased with spectacle correction.
All patients who developed exotropia form accomodative esotropia and hyperopia had bilateral or unilateral amblyopia. Observation is needed in case of accommodative esotropia and hyperopia, since exodeviation could develop. Exotropia was successfully managed with spectacle correction. Further study is needed for possible surgical intervention.