To find out the hypothetical impact of carotid stenosis on the brain and eye followed up on long term.It is known that a great population in the world suffer of carotid stenosis during a long period of life without any symptom. Our hypothesis suspects that non symptomatic carotid stenosis may create brain and eye pathology that involves later in life diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer , optic nerve neuropathy and other. We intended to find out the relation between the percentage of carotid closure (stenosis) and the pathology created.
Adult WIstar Albino male rats passed surgical common carotid stenosis unilateral and bilateral. The stenosis was created by ligation of the blood vessel using 6\0 black silk surgical suture. We created 30% closure , 50% closure and 70% closure of the common carotid. The follow up of the animals was done one day ,one week ,and every months for aperiod of thre momths. Follow up was done using US Doppler to evaluate the percentage of the closure created and the location of the ligation,. ERG was done before the surgery and then as described above. Brain MRI was done one day following the Doppler examination. Any sign of motor disability , motility deficit or other behavioural changes excluded the animal from the study and the animal was sacrificed.
We found out deterioration in ERG recording and brain damage of different size and location without any external symptom of the animal. We will present the functional and hystologicresults of each one of the groups.
Asymptomatic carotid stenosis creates on long term pathology of brain and eye that may transform later in a destructive condition of the organs leading to dysfunction and invalidity.