To assess the clinical usefulness of chorioretinal biopsy in establishing a definitive diagnosis in intraocular tumors masquerading as uveitis.
A retrospective review of a 15-year period was undertaken of all patients that have undergone to chorioretinal biopsy at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Patients were identified on the hospital’s computerized database.
Twenty-five (89%) of the 28 biopsies performed in an attempt to confirm or exclude malignancy were successful in doing this and often allowed a specific treatment. A specific histological diagnosis was made in 15 cases while in 11 cases the biopsy was effective to exclude malignancy. In the 7 remaining cases, no specific diagnosis was confirmed. No perioperative complications were reported. Postoperative complications related to the surgery included 2 vitreous haemorrages and 2 retinal detachments.
Chorioretinal biopsy can often resolve diagnosis in difficult clinical settings when less invasive techniques have failed.