Purpose: :
To demonstrate an innovative microsurgical approach using a real-time, 3-dimensional optical coherence tomography imaging system to perform 3-D image guided basic microsurgical procedures.
Methods: :
A novel microsurgical imaging system based on a Fourier-Domain OCT (FD-OCT) integrated with a CPU-GPU heterogeneous computing architecture capable of OCT image processing and displaying at the maximum processing speed of approximately 252,000 A-scans/second based on NUFFT and 10 volumes/second for complex conjugate free FD-OCT was used to provide real-time 3-D video imaging of the surgical site and tool tips while basic surgical maneuvers were performed in ex vivo bovine eyes. The imaged site size was 3mm×3mm×3mm (Width × Length × Depth) sampled by 160×80x1024 pixels and was rendered to the surgeon with top, front-side and back-side views by a ray casting method. Two basic maneuvers were repeatedly performed and successfully confirmed: retinal vessel isolation with micro-pick confirmed by retinal vessel isolation with suture; subretinal cannulation with delivery of fluid confirmed by subretinal cannulation with delivery of air.
Results: :
Using the 3-D surgical OCT viewing environment as the primary source of visualization, we were able to successfully perform and repeat the prototypical microsurgical maneuvers described using the retina as a model system. For each procedure there is a learning curve related to working predominantly in a 3-D OCT image environment. The data consists of video frames of all key steps. In all cases the OCT viewing environment was referenced to direct photography and or direct visualization.
Conclusions: :
The present prototype real-time, 3-dimensional optical coherence tomography imaging system allows for the performance of basic microsurgical maneuvers using the OCT viewing environment as the primary source of visual information.
Keywords: imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound) • motion-3D • vitreoretinal surgery