Purpose: :
To report cases of iatrogenic diamond particle after internal limiting membrane peeling using diamond scraper during pars plana vitrectomy
Methods: :
The subjects were 14 patients who was diagnosed as full-thickness macular hole and 15 patients who was diagnosed as preretinal membrane. Vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane(ILM) peeling by diamond scraper were performed. Spectral domain OCT(SD OCT) and time domain OCT(TD OCT) were performed at patients that diamond particles were detected. We investgated postoperative visual acuity and complications
Results: :
At three patients, diamond particles were detected. Diamond particles were detected at macula in one case and detected at pheripheral retina in other cases by fundus photofraph. SD OCT could detect diamond particles found inner retina, but TD OCT could not detect. There were not other retinal problem, decrease of visual acuity and visual field defect in all cases
Conclusions: :
Iatrogenic diamond particle can be observed after internal limiting membrane peeling using diamond scraper at macular hole surgery, and may not affect courses of macular hole surgery
Keywords: imaging/image analysis: clinical