To evaluate the ability of Davinci’s Green (DG), a new vital dye to stain lens capsule (LC), internal limiting membrane (ILM), and vitreous in porcine eyes.
Experimental study in animal eyes. A new vital dye called Davinci's Green produced by mixing two known vital dyes (brilliant blue and sodium fluorescein) was injected on the LC and ILM of enucleated porcine eyes. The vitreous was stained with 2 mL of the dye mixture for 1 minute.
In porcine eyes, ILM staining with DG resulted in strong green staining. Vitreous examination revealed strong green staining. LC evaluation showed moderate staining with DG.
Davinci’s Green seems to be a potential good option as vital dye with strong affinity for the ILM and the vitreous, and moderate affinity for the lens capsule in porcine eyes. Additional studies are needed to analyze the biocompatibility of DG with the human eye.
Keywords: macular holes • vitreoretinal surgery • retina