Purpose: :
MaQaid® (Wakamoto Pharmaceutical, Tokyo, Japan, MaQ) is new Triamcinolone Acetonide (TA) commecialized in Japan for the aim to visualize posterior hyaloid during vitrectomy. Compared to other TA, like Kenalog®, its strong advantage is the point that preservative free. So the risk of ocular toxicity due to preservative included in TA may be avoided, like sterile endopthalmitis. On the contrary, because MaQ is a powder, we have to resolve and suspend it to medium. It is very difficult to resolve them as uniformal small particle and this disadvantage sometimes disturb visuality during opetration or cause difficulty for removal. Here, we developped new methods to suspend MaQ for uniformal small particles using common instruments in hospital or laboratory.
Methods: :
We add 4ml of intraocular irrigation solution (Opeguard-MA®, Senju Pharmaceutical,Osaka, Japan) to MaQ vial (40mg of powder / vial) and suspend using various instruments (final concentration is 10mg/ml). 1) Using vortex mixer for 15 or 30 min, 2) using simple system with two 2.5ml syringe and three-way stopcock for 5 or 10min, 3) using ultrasound sonicator for 15 or 30 min. We counted suspended single MaQ particles using hemacytometer and calculated its concentration as an index for successful suspension (n=5).
Results: :
MaQ is suspended sucessfully using all 3 methods and concentration of single particle increased with statstical significance(p<0.01). Especially, for mrthod 2), single particle concentrations were 14.7±3.5 (control), 25.5±3.3 (after 5min) and 33.1±5.1 (after 10 min, x 104 particles / ml).
Conclusions: :
We can obtained uniformal suspension of MaQ particle efficiently using simple methods. Our new methods can conpensate for disadvantage of MaQ and allow us for safety surgical use of MaQ.
Keywords: vitreoretinal surgery • drug toxicity/drug effects • vitreous