Purpose: :
To report novel spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) and electrophysiological findings in diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis (DUSN).
Methods: :
Six patients with a diagnosis of unilateral DUSN were retrospectively ascertained. All had received oral treatment with albendazole; resolution of the inflammatory lesions without subsequent relapse was noted. SD-OCT was performed using a Spectralis HRA OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The inner and outer retinal volumes were calculated for the macular area. The contralateral eyes acted as controls. Five of the six patients underwent standardised electroretinography (ERG).
Results: :
Inner retinal volume was significantly different in the affected eyes from control eyes (p<0.02), but there was no significant difference in outer retinal volume. ERG data showed a mixed pattern of inner and outer retinal dysfunction, with inner retinal dysfunction being greater; reduction in b:a ratio of the bright flash ERG was a consistent observation.
Conclusions: :
The data provide anatomical and functional evidence of inner retinal dysfunction in DUSN, even though the worm is usually assumed to be located in the sub-retinal space. The mechanism is unclear, but may reflect toxicity.
Keywords: retinitis • imaging/image analysis: clinical • electroretinography: clinical