Purpose: :
Our aim in this retrospective, descriptive study was to investigate the relation between visual acuity after intravitreal Bevacizumab injection (IVI) into eyes with age related macular degeneration (ARMD) and number of treatments.
Methods: :
Patients with age related macular degeneration (ARMD) and treatment with intravitreal Bevacizumab injections (IVI) for more than 12 months were identified. The age of the patients was between 51 and 93 years, mean 71.4 years. Gender distribution was equal. Analysis included evaluation of numbers of IVI, basic clinical conditions and measurement of visual acuity together with central retinal thickness. The decision for treatment was made in case of the presence of edema in OCT or edema and/or hemorrhage as seen in funduscopy.
Results: :
102 eyes with wet ARMD were included. All eyes were treated with treatment as needed (PRN) and received bevacizumab. The highest number of IVI was 9 in 12 months. BCVA at baseline was better than 20/250. A third of all eyes experienced a loss of visual acuity, 41% gained more than 8 letters, 26% remained stable. There was a significant correlation between visual acuity and number of treatments with IVB. Higher numbers of IVB resulted in better visaul acuity than eyes receiving less than 5 IVB per year.
Conclusions: :
Our findings confirm recent studies that vision results are better in case of consequent treatment regimen with monthly controls and consecutive therapy as needed.
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration