Purpose: :
To determine if the "vent and stent" technique is a safe and effective surgical modification for non-valved glaucoma drainage devices (GDDs) in controlling early post-operative intraocular pressure (IOP).
Results: :
For this group of subjects, the preoperative, postoperative day 1, week 1, and month 1 IOP were 26.71 +/- 12.06, 10.17 +/- 10.63, 10.18 +/- 7.39, and 15.44 +/- 8.48 mmHg respectively with minimal complications. There was a statistically significant difference in IOP from pre-op to post-op day 1, pre-op to post-op week 1 and from pre-op to post-op month 1. The rate of hypotony was 30.2%, the rate of shallow anterior chambers was 6.3%, the rate of IOP >20 was 20.6%.
Conclusions: :
The vent and stent technique is a safe and effective surgical modification to glaucoma tube shunt implantation, which effectively controls early postoperative IOP while minimizing complications.
Keywords: intraocular pressure • wound healing • anterior chamber