Purpose: :
To assess the usefulness of a new wide-angle light pipe to improve illumination and visualization during small gauge vitrectomy and to potential reduce retinal phototoxicity hazards.
Methods: :
Many xenon light devices have been recently developed in order to generate much brighter illumination during small gauge vitrectomy and to reduce toxic light wavelenghts. Furthermore several types of light probes for wide-angle endoillumination are currently available. A new light pipe for bright, clear and panoramic visualization was evaluated. Beveled sheath on the tapered tip has been designed to improve safety reducing hazards of toxicity. The power and distribution of the light and filter combinations for vitreous surgery were measured. Additionally, the effect of various measures that reduce the risk of phototoxicity was evaluated.
Results: :
The new pipe allows a 115° field of illumination compared with the standard focal light pipe which illuminates a 50° field. Optimized fiber tip angle distributes light uniformly eliminating shadows and "hot spots". Moreover the beveled sheath on the tips minimizes glare. The shape of the pipe helps reducing need to move probe during surgery and reduces thermal output. With an additional amber colored filter, xenon light levels are more safety and the allowable exposure time can be increased.
Conclusions: :
Improve visualization and reduce phototoxicity during vitreoretinal surgery is a main goal. A new wide-field intraocular light has been disegned to provide a better view of the entire retina than a standard light pipe, preventing shadows and minimizing glare for surgeon. The new device provides safety margins for endoillumination during vitrectomy.
Keywords: vitreoretinal surgery • retina • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: systems/equipment/techniques