The Maddox rod is a simple, inexpensive, and useful office tool for evaluating subtle oculomotor deficits. We surveyed non-neuroophthalmologically trained ophthalmologists with regard to their use of and familiarity with the Maddox rod, with the intent to produce an instructional manual.
The link to a survey was distributed by email to practicing ophthalmologists affiliated with the Department of Ophthalmology at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The survey was completed anonymously and submitted online.
Of 70 included ophthalmologists, nineteen responded between October 2 and November 26, 2010. Only six respondents reported using the Maddox rod (two rarely). Of those not using it, many reported that they did not know how. Eight used other methods and six indicated that they essentially always refer patients with diplopia to appropriate subspecialists. Eleven respondents answered a four part quiz of Maddox rod findings in different conditions (see figure); 23 of 44 answers could be considered correct (16 of 24 correct for the six users).
There is a general lack of understanding of the Maddox rod and its use among practicing ophthalmologists. These results highlight the need for targeted educational materials, which we are planning to write. We also will be including practicing neurologists in our survey, in order to better address their needs as well.
Keywords: eye movements: recording techniques • esotropia and exotropia • neuro-ophthalmology: diagnosis