Purpose: :
Atelocollagen have an effect to extend small interfering RNA (siRNA) effect. In 2008 ARVO meeting, we reported caspase 3 siRNA protect the retinal ganglion cell damage induced by transient ischemic injury in short term. We discussed the effects of the complex of atellocolagen and caspase3 siRNA, to protect retinal ganglion cells from apoptotic cell death by transient ischemic injury.
Methods: :
Seven week-old male Wister rats were used. We kept on rising IOP 110mmHg for 120 minutes then brought back to normal IOP. Atelocollagen and caspase3 siRNA complex or caspase 3 siRNA were injected into the vitreous cavity 24hr prior to transient ischemic injury. Atelocollagen and non-silencing siRNA complex were injected in eyes as control. Retinal ganglion cells were labeled with Fluoro-Gold retrogradely 3 day before transient ischemia. Seven days after the transient ischemia, flatmounts of the retina were examined by fluorescence microscopy.
Results: :
In control group, the number of retinal ganglion cell was 661.8(+/-164.2) /mm2. In the complex treated group, the ganglion cell loss significantly inhibited to 776.1(+/- 230.0)/mm2 (unpaired t-test: p=0.018). In caspase 3 treated groups, the number of retinal ganglion cell was 697.0(+/-288.2) /mm2. In the number of retinal ganglion cell between the complex treated eyes and caspase 3 treated eyes showed no significant differences (unpaired t-test: p=0.20).
Conclusions: :
Atelocollagen and caspase3 siRNA complex may protect the retinal ganglion cell damage induced by transient ischemic injury.
Keywords: retina: proximal (bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells)