Purpose: :
To evaluate Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance to fourth-generation fluoroquinolones in the Department of Ophthalmology, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil.
Methods: :
Retrospective review of the microbiological records of 122 pseudomonas keratitis patients in the last eight years (July of 2002 and November of 2010)
Results: :
Fifteen cases out of 122 revealed antibiotic resistance to fourth-generation fluoroquinolones. The first case was detected in 2005 and resistance incidence has increased to a maximum of six cases in 2009 and five cases in 2010.
Conclusions: :
We were able to isolate the first Pseudomonas aeruginosa resitant to fourth generation fluorquinolone in 2005 and this was not an isolated case. An increasing number of resistant organisms have been noticed on the most recent years seeking awareness.
Keywords: pseudomonas • keratitis • cornea: clinical science