The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of Central Corneal Thickness in a Nigerian population.
It was a population- based cross- sectional analytic study on 484 participants in the Somolu Local Government Area of Lagos State, selected by multistage sampling technique. All methods adhered strictly to the Helsinsky declaration on research on human subjects. Socio-demographic information as well as ocular and medical history was obtained through interviewer- administered structured questionnaires. Distant visual acuity was measured with the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) chart and the tumbling E charts for literate and non- literate subjects, respectively. The central corneal thickness was measured with the Accu-pach VI Ultrasound Pachymeter. Participants also underwent examination of the anterior and posterior ocular segments; systemic examination; and non-fasting blood glucose test using the Accu-chek active glucometer. Examination was carried out in eight designated centres in each of the eight wards of the Somolu Local Government Area. Descriptive and bivariate correlation analyses were done using the Epi Info Statistical software (Epi Info 3.5.1 for Windows, 2008) and SPSS (version 10.0) programme. A p- value of ≤0.05 was considered significant.
The mean age of the study participants was 45.4±16.5 years (range 11-90 years). The mean central corneal thickness in this study was 529.3±35.4 µm; 95% CI of 526.2 to 532.5 µm (range 438.0-669.0 µm). The central corneal thickness was marginally thicker in males (533.1 ± 37.1 µm) than females (526.8 ±34.1 µm) (p= 0.057). The Central corneal thickness correlated negatively with age.
The mean central corneal thickness of Nigerians in this study was thin and comparable to that of African Americans in the literature and that of indigenous Africans in Ghana and Cameroon, with implication of a greater risk of glaucoma.
Keywords: cornea: clinical science • anatomy • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: biostatistics/epidemiology methodology