Purpose: :
To investigate the outcome of vitrectomy for chronic diabetic tractional retinal detachment involving the macula (DTMD)
Methods: :
A retrospective chart review of patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy with membrane dissection for DTMD of more than 6 months duration at the King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital (KKESH) during the period from 2005-2009
Results: :
Of the total identified records, 15 have been reviewed up to date. The age at time of presentation ranged from 26 to 71 years (average 48.86 years). Baseline visual acuity (VA) ranged from 20/160 to light perception (median 2/200), with only two patients having a vision of 20/400 or better. The duration of TRD range from 6 to 24 months (mean 12.3 months). At last follow-up following surgery, the retina was completely attached in all but one patient. Twelve out of 15 patients showed varying degrees of visual improvement with a final vision ranging between 20/30 to 2/200, (median 20/300) among which 7 (46.7% of all eyes) had a final vision of ≥ 20/400
Conclusions: :
Unlike what is traditionally known, patients with chronic DTMD may exhibit a significant improvement of vision following vitrectomy. Larger scale studies are needed to confirm these findings and to identify factors associated with visual improvement after surgery, which may help in better patient selection
Keywords: retinal detachment • vitreoretinal surgery • diabetic retinopathy