Purpose: :
To evaluate short-term intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction and endothelial cell (EC) loss following laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in patients with primary angle-closure (PAC), PAC suspects (PACS) and PAC glaucoma (PACG).
Methods: :
We prospectively enrolled consecutive patients with PAC, PACG and PACS. After a complete ophthalmic examination, all patients underwent LPI with Nd:YAG laser in a standardized fashion. Data collected were age, gender, pre and post-laser IOP values and EC count as determined by Goldmann applanation tonometry and specular microscopy, respectively. Post-laser assessments were performed within 3 months following LPI. We compared pre and post-laser IOP values using paired t-test and pre and post-laser EC count using Wilcoxon test, as EC count data rejected normal distribution (based on D'Agostino-Pearson test).
Results: :
A total of 51 eyes of 31 patients were included. Mean age was 56.9±12.2 years and most patients were women (78%). Mean IOP was significantly reduced from 17.5±4.9 to 14.6±2.5 mmHg (reduction of 17%; p<0.001). Mean EC count was significantly reduced from 2543±438 to 2398±530 cells/mm2 (reduction of 6%; p=0.04). There was no significant correlation between patients age and ECC loss following LPI (p=0.72).
Conclusions: :
These short-term results show that while LPI leads to a moderate IOP reduction in eyes with PACS, PAC and PACG, it also results in a small but significant EC loss, which does not seem to be related to patients’ age.
Keywords: laser • iris • intraocular pressure