To evaluate the effect of the lens epithelial cell aspiration on the postoperative stability of AcrySof SA60TT Toric intraocular lens (IOL)
It is a prospective, comparative, transversal case series study between two groups (CONTROL GROUP.-those who underwent conventional phacoemulsification with Toric IOL implant, STUDY GROUP.- those who underwent conventional phacoemulsification with Toric IOL implant adding aspiration of lens epithelial cells) by photographic follow up and using an specific axis reference software (GONIOTRANS version 1.0) we evaluated the postoperative axis of the IOL at 10 days and 3 months. We evaluated the results by T - Student analysis, the statistical significance was considered with a P less than 0.05
Nine eyes were included, 25% men and 75% women, with an average age of 68.12 years (48 - 90). In the control group the mean axis rotation at ten days follow up was 0.6°, and at 3 months 1°. In the study group were 1° and 1.25° respectively. There was no significant statistical difference between both groups at neither ten days (P = 0.31065) or 3 months follow up (P = 0.37024)
There was rotational stability in both groups at three months follow up, there's no impact with the additional aspiration of epithelial cells. Even though we found rotations no greater than 3°, we did not evaluate its impact in visual acuity.
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications • intraocular lens • cataract