Purpose: :
To evaluate visual outcomes in patients that have undergone cataract surgery and implanted with two presbyopia-correcting IOLs: ZMA00/ZMB00 and SN6AD1 IOLs.
Methods: :
Single-center, open-label, retrospective/prospective comparison study on eyes that have undergone cataract surgery and have been implanted with either ZMA00/ZMB00 (T) or SN6AD1 (R) IOL in one or both eyes. All patients included in the study were at least 3 months post-cataract surgery. Uncorrected and distance-corrected visual acuities were assessed at far, intermediate (28"-32"), and near (14"-16") distances.
Results: :
One hundred fifty-seven eyes (T=100, R=57) were evaluated. Mean age: (T: 74, R: 71). Mean sphere: (T: 0.17 ± .55D, R: 0.10 ± .62D). Mean cylinder: (T: -0.68 ± .57D, R: -0.76 ± .78D). Percentage of eyes with UCVAs of 20/40 or better: far (T: 76%, R: 67%), intermediate (T: 56%, R: 40%), near (T: 70%, R: 54%). Percentage of eyes with DCVAs of 20/40 or better: far (T: 99%, R: 100%), intermediate (T: 64%, R: 44%), near: (T: 100%, R: 90%).
Conclusions: :
Both presbyopia-correcting IOLs showed great distance vision, with the aspheric diffractive IOL having overall higher percentage of eyes with 20/40 or better at all distances.
Keywords: intraocular lens • presbyopia • visual acuity