Purpose: :
To investigate the neuroprotective effect of AAV mediated BDNF on retinal ganglion cells survival of experimental glaucoma DBA/2J mice
Methods: :
Totally 10 DBA/2J mice were used for intravitreal injection with 1 microliter AAV-BDNF-GFP (n=10) in the left eyes at the age of 6 months old, while the right eyes were injected with same volume saline. IOP was measured by Tonolab in mouse model every month. 3 months after injection,retinas were taken out for investigating GFP positive RGCs under fluorescence microscopy. Immunohistochemistry staining was done by applying TUJ1 and cy3 to identify survival RGCs.
Results: :
The IOP of DBA/2J mice was 11.71mmHg and 11.50mmHg for the right eyes and left eyes respectively at 4 months old. From 5 months on,the IOP of DBA/2J mice raised, and reached peak when 7 months old. There was no significant statistical difference between the right and the left eye during 4 months to 9 months old(t=0.82,P =0.45 ). Three months after vitrous injection of AAV-BDNF-GFP, retinas showed GFP positive cells significantly. BDNF over-expression leaded to more RGCs survival than the control eyes(3168.13±1319.33/ mm2 & 2024.81±796.38/ mm2, t=2.75,P =0.02).
Conclusions: :
These data suggest that BDNF can exert a protective effect in DBA/2J glaucoma mice.
Keywords: neuroprotection • ganglion cells • gene transfer/gene therapy